In nature, amber is a fossilized tree resin that preserves elements across time, much like ashes into diamonds preserve the memory of a loved one. The amber color symbolizes strong protection and an everlasting bond. Its warm, sunny hue mirrors positivity and the promise of brighter days ahead. Amber diamonds made from ashes are a meaningful tribute to someone optimistic. With a LONITÉ amber memorial diamond, turning cremated remains into diamonds allows their joyful energy to shine brightly, offering lasting comfort and protection on your journey.

Naturally Amber™
from 0.25ct
Single Piece

(4.0 mm)

(4.5 mm)

(5.1 mm)

(5.5 mm)

(6.0 mm)

(6.5 mm)

(7.3 mm)

(8.0 mm)

(8.7 mm)

(9.2 mm)
* The prices shown are for brilliant cut diamonds. Other cuts may incur a surcharge.
0.25ct Family Bundle 4.0mm
We offer a family bundle option for those purchasing multiple diamonds. Please contact us for a personalized quote.
Carat (diameter)

0.25 ct (4.0 mm)

0.35 ct (4.5 mm)

0.5 ct (5.1 mm)

0.6 ct (5.5 mm)

0.8 ct (6.0 mm)

1.0 ct (6.5 mm)

1.5 ct (7.3 mm)

2.0 ct (8.0 mm)

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

3 ct (9.2 mm)
The Cost to Turn Human Hair and Ashes into Cremation Diamonds
1. For memorial diamond sizes above 3.0 carats, please contact us directly for a personal quote.
2. Cremation diamonds below 0.25 carat still have to undergo the same purification process as diamonds of larger sizes, which is equally time-consuming and costly. Currently, we are not offering the purchase of one single diamond below 0.25 carat. However, if you need a 0.10 carat diamond in addition to a 0.25 carat diamond, for the style of ring or to share with family members, for example, please contact us directly for a personal quote.
3. Rough diamonds (unpolished) are available for size 0.35 carat or above with a 20% discount. However, the rough diamond should NOT be cut at any time after it is delivered because inexperienced diamond cutters without specialized cutting skills are very likely to break the diamond.
4. Brilliance of the cut options: Brilliant > Princess > Radiant > Asscher > Emerald. Requesting a specific cutting shape other than brilliant is subject to an additional fee.
5. The images displayed on the website are for reference only. The actual size and color depth of your cremation diamond may vary.
Naturally Amber™
Amber diamonds serve as the fundamental color choice for all cremation diamonds. These are grown through a standard creation process without additional microelements or specialized treatments. Due to minimal production costs and time, amber cremation diamonds are highly favored. Opt for the amber color if you prefer the diamond to retain its natural hue. The amber shade naturally arises from the nitrogen (N) inherent in the carbon found in human cremation ashes.
Single Piece

(4.0 mm)

(4.5 mm)

(5.1 mm)

(5.5 mm)

(6.0 mm)

(6.5 mm)

(7.3 mm)

(8.0 mm)

(8.7 mm)

(9.2 mm)
0.25ct Family Bundle 4.0mm
($1,350 /unit)
($1,300 /unit)
($1,400 /unit)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
from 0.25ct

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

2.0 ct (8.0 mm)

1.5 ct (7.3 mm)

1.0 ct (6.5 mm)

0.8 ct (6.0 mm)

0.6 ct (5.5 mm)

0.5 ct (5.1 mm)

0.35 ct (4.5 mm)

0.25 ct (4.0 mm)
($1,300 /unit)
($1,350 /unit)
($1,400 /unit)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
Greenish Yellow
The greenish yellow cremation diamond needs an additional HPHT treatment cycle to modify the crystal-structure and color-centres of the diamond. As a result, the greenish yellow color takes longer to process and has a relatively higher price.
Single Piece

(9.2 mm)

(8.7 mm)

(8.0 mm)

(7.3 mm)

(6.5 mm)

(6.0 mm)

(5.5 mm)

(5.1 mm)

(4.5 mm)

(4.0 mm)
0.25ct Family Bundle 4.0mm
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
from 0.25 ct

3.0 ct (9.2 mm)

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

2.0 ct (8.0 mm)

1.5 ct (7.3 mm)

1.0 ct (6.5 mm)

0.8 ct (6.0 mm)

0.6 ct (5.5 mm)

0.5 ct (5.1 mm)

0.35 ct (4.5 mm)

0.25 ct (4.0 mm)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
Red cremation diamonds develop their fiery color through further processing of amber diamonds. By applying the light of high-energy electrons with an electronic emitter, nitrogen-vacancy color centers will form inside the diamond giving the diamond its red color.
Single Piece

(9.2 mm)

(8.7 mm)

(8.0 mm)

(7.3 mm)

(6.5 mm)

(6.0 mm)

(5.5 mm)

(5.1 mm)

(4.5 mm)

(4.0 mm)
0.25ct Family Bundle 4.0mm
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
from 0.25 ct

3.0 ct (9.2 mm)

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

2.0 ct (8.0 mm)

1.5 ct (7.3 mm)

1.0 ct (6.5 mm)

0.8 ct (6.0 mm)

0.6 ct (5.5 mm)

0.5 ct (5.1 mm)

0.35 ct (4.5 mm)

0.25 ct (4.0 mm)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
Similar to red equivalents, pink cremation diamonds receive their subtle, lovely color through further processing of amber diamond. By applying the light of high-energy electrons with an electronic emitter in special temperture, nitrogen-vacancy color centres will form inside the diamond giving the diamond its pink color.
Single Piece

(9.2 mm)

(8.0 mm)

(7.3 mm)

(6.5 mm)

(6.0 mm)

(5.5 mm)

(5.1 mm)

(4.5 mm)

(4.0 mm)

(8.7 mm)
0.25ct Family Bundle 4.0mm
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
from 0.25 ct

3.0 ct (9.2 mm)

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

2.0 ct (8.0 mm)

1.5 ct (7.3 mm)

1.0 ct (6.5 mm)

0.8 ct (6.0 mm)

0.6 ct (5.5 mm)

0.5 ct (5.1 mm)

0.35 ct (4.5 mm)

0.25 ct (4.0 mm)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
Black cremation diamonds also gain their mysterious character through further processing of amber diamonds. Keeping the elements like nitrogen and nickel during the carbon purification process, black diamonds are thus created by our unique low-pressure-reverse process.
Single Piece

(9.2 mm)

(8.0 mm)

(7.3 mm)

(6.5 mm)

(6.0 mm)

(5.5 mm)

(5.1 mm)

(4.5 mm)

(4.0 mm)

(8.7 mm)
0.25ct Family Bundle 4.0mm
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
from 0.25 ct

3.0 ct (9.2 mm)

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

2.0 ct (8.0 mm)

1.5 ct (7.3 mm)

1.0 ct (6.5 mm)

0.8 ct (6.0 mm)

0.6 ct (5.5 mm)

0.5 ct (5.1 mm)

0.35 ct (4.5 mm)

0.25 ct (4.0 mm)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
Purely Colorless™
The colorless cremation diamond boasts the highest purity (4N purity - 99.99%) of carbon, completely devoid of other elements or impurities. Additionally, the production process is the most intricate to achieve a perfectly colorless diamond, resulting in the highest cost (up to $40,500) and the lengthiest growth period.
Single Piece

(9.2 mm)

(8.0 mm)

(7.3 mm)

(6.5 mm)

(6.0 mm)

(5.5 mm)

(5.1 mm)

(4.5 mm)

(4.0 mm)

(8.7 mm)
0.25ct Family Bundle 4.0mm
($2,250 /unit)
($2,166 /unit)
($2,400 /unit)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
from 0.25 ct

3.0 ct (9.2 mm)

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

2.0 ct (8.0 mm)

1.5 ct (7.3 mm)

1.0 ct (6.5 mm)

0.8 ct (6.0 mm)

0.6 ct (5.5 mm)

0.5 ct (5.1 mm)

0.35 ct (4.5 mm)

0.25 ct (4.0 mm)
($2,166 /unit)
($2,250 /unit)
($2,400 /unit)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
The blue cremation diamond looks regal and peaceful. LONITE has advanced technology to determine the atom density inside cremation diamonds. Therefore, the color of LONITE blue diamonds is very stable. The crystal growth is faster and easier with boron (B) atoms inside the carbon, which makes the growing speed quicker and the cost lower compared to colorless cremation diamonds.
Single Piece

(9.2 mm)

(8.0 mm)

(7.3 mm)

(6.5 mm)

(6.0 mm)

(5.5 mm)

(5.1 mm)

(4.5 mm)

(4.0 mm)

(8.7 mm)
0.25ct Family Bundle 4.0mm
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
from 0.25 ct

3.0 ct (9.2 mm)

2.5 ct (8.7 mm)

2.0 ct (8.0 mm)

1.5 ct (7.3 mm)

1.0 ct (6.5 mm)

0.8 ct (6.0 mm)

0.6 ct (5.5 mm)

0.5 ct (5.1 mm)

0.35 ct (4.5 mm)

0.25 ct (4.0 mm)
Bundle price
(unit price)

0.25 Carat
La Terre

View Other Colours

Breakdown: Cost of Transforming Ashes to Diamonds
The price to convert ashes into diamonds includes the purification of ashes, diamond creation, polishing, and shipping

Discover a stunning array of options within our distinctive collection of cremation jewelry, encompassing rings, pendants, and earrings. Choose the perfect piece to hold your cremation diamond, keeping your loved one close, always, in a truly personal way.

Price Factor I - Cremation Diamonds Cost
Carbon Purification
The cost of carbon purification remains constant, regardless of the size of the cremation diamond.
For a 4N purity (99.99%), carbon purification is an intricate procedure essential for creating flawless diamonds of various colors. Our specialists at LONITÉ undertake this meticulous manual process with utmost care and respect, averaging 5,000 minutes per diamond.
At LONITÉ, carbon purification is 25 times more rigorous than the process employed by other 'memorial diamonds' which utilize a blend of pre-purified industrial graphite. This graphite addition dilutes impurities, saving on time and expenses.
Price Factor III - Cremation Diamonds Cost
No Hidden Mark-ups
Unlike many companies that operate through intricate regional distributor networks, each layer adding its own profit margin, LONITÉ takes a direct approach. This means that where you enter the process does not influence the cost of transforming ashes into diamonds.
LONITÉ eliminates intermediaries, ensuring that you pay solely for quality, unburdened by distribution mark-ups ranging from 35% to 45%. The cost of turning ashes into diamonds should accurately mirror the diamond's quality and size, rather than the intricacies of distribution.
LONITÉ maintains transparency in its cremation diamond prices. There are no hidden charges or ambiguities. With LONITÉ, you won't encounter vague "Price on application" scenarios or unexpected shifts in the cost of converting ashes into diamonds.

Price Factor II - Cremation Diamonds Cost
Diamond Creation
The cost of creating LONITÉ cremation diamonds is closely tied to growing time, which spans across months, not hours. Larger diamonds necessitate extended periods within the synthesis environment, consequently leading to higher costs. The cost of transforming ashes into diamonds surpassing 0.5 carats escalates significantly due to this fundamental reason.
A diamond seed serves as a nucleus for carbon atoms sourced from ashes or hair, enabling crystallization. In pursuit of the ultimate splendor for your cremation diamond, LONITÉ exclusively employs natural diamonds from the top 0.1% tier. These diamonds are utilized as 'seeds'. We strictly avoid using CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) diamonds, which are less expensive for a rationale. Although this might reduce the cost of converting ashes into diamonds, it doesn't align with our philosophy of crafting each cremation diamond as though it were for our own cherished ones.
Affordable Cremation Diamond Prices in Different Countries
Explore the Cost of Transforming Ashes into Diamonds
The journey of transforming ashes into diamonds begins at $1,400. LONITÉ's cremation diamond costs are tailored to the type and size of the chosen memorial diamond. The prices presented here are in the currency of your selected country.
The comprehensive cost of turning ashes into diamonds covers all facets, including all associated expenses, covering shipping and delivery costs from sending your loved one's ashes to Switzerland to the eventual return of the diamond.
How much does it cost to transform ashes into diamonds? In the USA, the starting cost for cremation diamonds is $1,400. Our UK branch offers this service from £1,400. For Australia, the journey begins at A$3,200. In Germany, the transformation starts at 2,000€. Meanwhile, the price for creating cremation diamonds in Canada begins at C$2,200.
The Cost to Turn Human Hair and Ashes into Cremation Diamonds
1. For memorial diamond sizes above 3.0 carats, please contact us directly for a personal quote.
2. Cremation diamonds below 0.25 carat still have to undergo the same purification process as diamonds of larger sizes, which is equally time-consuming and costly. Currently, we are not offering the purchase of one single diamond below 0.25 carat. However, if you need a 0.10 carat diamond in addition to a 0.25 carat diamond, for the style of ring or to share with family members, for example, please contact us directly for a personal quote.
3. Rough diamonds (unpolished) are available for size 0.35 carat or above with a 20% discount. However, the rough diamond should NOT be cut at any time after it is delivered because inexperienced diamond cutters without specialized cutting skills are very likely to break the diamond.
4. Brilliance of the cut options: Brilliant > Princess > Radiant > Asscher > Emerald. Requesting a specific cutting shape other than brilliant is subject to an additional fee.
5. The images displayed on the website are for reference only. The actual size and color depth of your cremation diamond may vary.
Cremation Diamonds Cost: Further Breakdown
Our Cremation Diamonds Transformation Services: An All-Inclusive Cost
When you choose LONITÉ to turn ashes into diamonds, our cost covers all essential services within the ashes-to-diamond process. This comprehensive package encompasses carbon purification, the creation of the cremation diamond, meticulous cutting and polishing, an origin certification, secure sealing containers, careful packing, and global shipping.
We maintain complete transparency; there are no concealed charges. Any extra fees will pertain exclusively to local taxes and optional third-party services, like authenticity certification offered by the International Gemological Institute or the Gemological Institute of America.
Cremation Jewelry Pricing and Options
The cost of cremation diamonds doesn't cover the jewelry setting. The price of the jewelry piece is influenced by factors like the diamond shape, metal type, and weight. Our jewelry prices encompass all mounting and shipping expenses. You have the freedom to select from our array of cremation ring and pendant designs, or even propose your unique concept for a personalized cremation jewelry creation.
Colors vs. Cost
An array of cremation diamond colors is achieved in varied synthesis environments with different purification and preparation procedures.
Amber is the most natural color and undergoes a standard process requiring the lowest cost (from $1,400 / 0.25ct). In comparison, colorless cremation diamonds require the highest standard of purification using the most advanced technology.
Successful creation of a Purely Colorless™ diamond is an achievement of a prolonged and much more intricate carbon purification and refinement process. Therefore, Purely Colorless™ cremation diamonds are the most expensive (up to $40,500 / 3.0ct).

Cost Comparison: Natural Diamond Prices vs. Cremation Diamond Prices
Understanding Cremation Diamond Colors and Pricing
Colorless natural diamonds are more abundant and consequently less expensive than naturally colored diamonds. However, this dynamic reverses when it comes to cremation diamonds.
Colorless cremation diamonds are notably more expensive than their natural colorless counterparts. Cremation diamonds in amber or blue tend to be priced lower or equivalently to natural yellow diamonds.
Affordable Cremation Diamond Pricing
The cost of transforming human or pet ashes into exquisite diamonds is substantial due to the intricate nature of the entire process.
Our commitment is to provide families with the most competitive price achievable. This is why you interact directly with LONITÉ, eliminating any additional mark-up through intermediaries.

Ashes to Diamonds

Visit Our USA Office(Buffalo, NY)
Experience a one-on-one consultation in a refined setting, designed to bring your vision to life.

Visit Our USA Office(Los Angeles, CA)
Experience a one-on-one consultation in a refined setting, designed to bring your vision to life.

Virtual Meeting
Meet with our expert team online, wherever you are, for a personalized design consultation.

Call-Back Request
We look forward to connecting with you soon to ensure all your questions are addressed and to support you through each step of the process.